

This service from OTIP is called CAREpath and they provide services designed to reduce the physical and emotional impact of cancer diagnosis.  CAREpath Navigation System services are designed to complement the public health care system and are delivered by the client’s own personal, experienced CAREpath oncology nurse, backed up by a CAREpath oncology physician.  The info can be accessed at and the phone number is 1-800-290-5106.



Another service provided by OTIP is Feeling Better Now. FeelingBetterNow® is a Web-based mental health care program designed to assist in the prevention, early diagnosis and ongoing management of common emotional and mental health issues. The College of Family Physicians of Canada has reviewed and approved FeelingBetterNow® as a practice management tool available to assist family physicians in patient care. To access Feeling Better Now please visit:



ETFO represents over 73, 000 teachers, occasional teachers and education workers employed in public elementary schools in Ontario.  Visit this site to stay up to date with local issues, learn about professional development, get advice…



Looking for great deals and discounts available to only education workers? Check out the Edvantage program and start saving money!




Non-profit, teacher owned insurance for your home and auto insurance needs as well as retiree health and dental insurance.   www.otip/com/ETFO_Renfrew



Quick access to forms and services for your group medical and dental insurance on-line.


Ontario College of Teachers

Visit the website to review your qualifications, pay your membership, review qualifications….Please visit


The Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario

QECO was founded in 1969 by OECTA, ETFO and AEFO to provide , and to objectively administer, the evaluation of teacher qualifications for salary purposes.